Transacting on the Ariba platform provides you with several benefits, such as amongst others:
- A fully digital and completely paperless way of doing business.
- Access to your latest purchase orders at any time and with end-to-end transparency.
- Real time information on the receipts of your delivery of goods and services.
- First-time right invoicing, referring to the right purchase order, aiming for zero invoice rejections.
- A detailed view on when your invoices will be paid.
The use of the SAP Ariba platform is FREE of charge for interactions with Proximus.
Before interacting with Proximus through the Ariba platform please ensure you have an Ariba account registered.
How to register your Ariba account?
Note: If your company already has an Ariba account, please ask your administrator to add you as a user to that account instead of creating a new account ID.
After the registration you can:
answer to the supplier questionnaires launched by Proximus
participate to Sourcing events (Rfx)
view the Purchase Orders placed by Proximus and start invoicing


How to answer to Supplier management questionnaires of Proximus?
Once your Ariba account is registered you can answer to Supplier Management questionnaires.
How to participate in RFx Events?
Proximus carefully evaluates and selects the suppliers in Sourcing events: RFI, RFP and e-Auction.
A request for information (RFI) is used to explore a particular market and investigate the options that suppliers can offer to support our business.
A request for proposal (RFP) and request for quotation (RFQ) is used to obtain price indications and conditions based on predefined requirements.
An e-auction is an online, market-driven negotiation based on total value, often used as part of an RFP in the procurement process.
For Supplier Relationship Management, Suppliers can be requested to participate in Supplier Performance Management surveys (SPM).


How to invoice?
Before invoicing, please make sure that you have received the Proximus invitation to register your Ariba account. After registration, you still have to configure your account.
Get support
Is your question related to business?
E.g. invoice rejected, wrong info on PO, your bank account changed, etc. please refer to our FAQ & User guides section below.
Still no answer? Please raise your question via the Proximus Supplier Portal.
Is your question related to an ARIBA network technical issue or bug?
E.g. you have already an existing account, you didn’t receive the PO notification, etc. please refer to our FAQ & User guides section below.
Still no answer? Please raise your question via the Ariba Support Portal. Here are the steps to follow.