Transparency declarations

According to Proximus' bylaws, the thresholds as from which a shareholding needs to be disclosed, have been set at 3% and 7.5%, followed by legal thresholds at 5% and each multiple of 5%.

Notifications of important shareholdings to be made according to the Law of 2 May 2007 or Proximus' bylaws should be sent to:

Declarations of transparancy relative to participation in Proximus - current year

(previous years

  Voting rights Total incl. equivalent financial instruments  
crossed on
Notifier Reason
# of voting rights
after the
notified transaction
% of voting rights
in total of 338,025,135
voting rights
# of voting rights
after the
notified transaction
% of voting rights
in total of 338,025,135
voting rights
Notification Press Release
14/03/2025 14/03/2025 Saxo Holding > 5% 0 0.0 22,349,720 6.61    
14/03/2025 14/03/2025 Carraun Telecom Holdings Limited < 3% 0 0.0 0 0.0  
17/01/2025 24/01/2025 The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. < 7.5% 1,978,481 0,59 25,116,537 7.43