What is fiber?

Live better and work smarter with a faster network
Fiber is the technology of the future. Fiber cables transmit data over long distances at the speed of light, offering many advantages for consumers. To ensure the best possible performance, we continue the installation of Fiber to the heart of your home or business.
This multigigabit technology enables customers to benefit from the fastest Internet in Belgium in terms of uploads, downloads and latency, offering superior Internet speeds (up to 8.5 Gbps download/1 Gbps upload) everywhere that fiber coverage is available.
Fiber has an ultra-low latency, ensuring a reliability that is crucial for applications requiring an immediate response.
With Fiber there is no delay or loss of quality, virtually unlimited capacity and very large bandwidths, ideal for streaming videos and playing games.
Fiber provides a secure, stable, and reliable customer experience for families and businesses, today and tomorrow.
Fiber is the most environmentally friendly internet connection on the market, generating up to 12 times less than your current copper cable. Plus, fiber has a tiny ecological footprint compared to copper (used for your current connection) - 1,000kg of emissions for 2kg of copper compared to just 0.06kg of emissions for fiber.
Outphasing our copper network also means that we use this valuable resource less for our network. The copper we recover is sold for reuse. In 2023, we managed to recover a total of 590 tons of copper cable.
The fiber we use can be entirely produced in Europe and consists of glass made from silicon dioxide, the most abundant element on Earth after oxygen. This resource is found in sand, clay, rocks and even water.
Benefits for businesses

Become more competitive, agile, and innovative with digitalisation.

Volvo Cars Ghent optimises its production process with Fiber
Benefits for households
Do more online with Fiber
Our Fiber network allows all family members to (home) work, surf, stream videos, and play online simultaneously. It provides households with a secure, stable, and reliable online experience, with no delay or loss of quality, virtually unlimited capacity, and very large bandwidths.
Benefits for cities
Making your city smarter with the Fiber roll-out
Fiber offers cities access to the most advanced digital services, such as smart cities. The roll-out of Fiber with the connection of thousands of sensors and devices improves mobility, public safety and air quality, and can benefit growth and employment in the city. Fiber networks will become an essential part of urban infrastructures, just like water and electricity.
Our roll-out

Paving the way for accelerated Fiber roll-out
Outphasing our copper network
When fiber is available in their city, customers are informed and can migrate to the new network technology. In 2022, the first decommissioning of a full copper neighborhood has enabled us to industrialize the process, gather best practices, and set a standard for future decommissioning.
Furthermore, deactivating our copper network allows for operational and energy savings and simpler infrastructure management. The residents in the areas where fiber is rolled out are being informed by means of mailings and local information sessions, thanks to the mobile information point that regularly drives around in the areas, or via our website www.proximus.be , on which specific information on the progress of the works can be found.