Shareholder structure

Shareholder structure on 28 February 2025

Denominator 338,025,135

  Number of shares % shares % Voting rights % Dividend rights Number of shares with voting rights Number of shares with dividend rights
Belgian State[1] 180,887,569 53.51 % 56.05 % 55.93 % 180,887,569 180,887,569
Proximus own shares[2] 15,304,547 4.53 % 0.00 % 0.21 % 0 693,702
Free-float 141,833,019 41.96 % 43.95 % 43.85 % 141,833,019 141,833,019
Total 338,025,135 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 322,720,588 323,414,290


  1. Through the Federal Holding and Investment Company (SFPIM)
  2. The voting rights of all treasury shares are suspended by law. Proximus has 14,610,845 treasury shares that are not entitled to dividend rights and 693,702 treasury shares that are entitled to dividend rights.