Update on the interim leadership of the Proximus Group

As previously announced, the selection process for a new CEO of the Proximus Group is ongoing. The Board of Directors will decide on the new CEO based on a recommendation of the Nomination Committee, that steers the process with the assistance of executive search firm Heidrick & Struggles.
To ensure maximum continuity in the ongoing execution of the Group's strategy until the arrival of the new CEO, the Board has decided that, after the General Assembly on April 16,
- Jan Van Acoleyen, currently Group and Global Human Capital Lead, will serve ad interim as CEO of the Proximus Group, effective as of April 17, with oversight and double signature authority with the Chairman of the Proximus board for all his decisions regarding Domestic and Group operations.
- Mark Reid, currently Group CFO, will serve ad interim as CEO of Proximus Global, effective as of April 17, with oversight and double signature authority with the Chairman of the Proximus Global board for all his decisions regarding Global operations and working closely together with Mr. Rajdip Gupta, currently Proximus Global Business Lead.
The Board confirms that Guillaume Boutin remains in his current functions as CEO of Proximus Group and Proximus Global until the General Assembly of April 16, after which he will take a more consulting role to ensure a smooth transition and prepare the transfer of his files till his departure mid-May.
The Group Leadership Squads will continue to function in consensus, whereby all members keep their responsibilities, including Mark Reid as Group CFO and Jan Van Acoleyen as Group and Global Human Capital Lead. The Board of Directors expresses its full confidence in Jan and Mark and the entire leadership teams of Proximus and Proximus Global to successfully guide the company through this transition period.