Proximus NXT wins landmark cybersecurity contract with Belgian Federal Government

Proximus NXT has secured a major new frame contract to provide managed cybersecurity services to several Belgian Federal Public Services (FPS) and other federal agencies. The Security-as-a-Service 2 (SECaaS2) framework agreement will offer an extensive catalogue of 75 managed security services, helping public sector organizations to strengthen their cyber resilience and supporting the regulatory journey towards NIS2 compliancy by making use of the different SECaaS services. The total contract value is expected to exceed 100 million euros over 7 years, making it the largest managed cybersecurity deal for the public sector in Belgium. For Proximus NXT, this new agreement also recognizes the efficient cooperation with federal government institutions in recent years under the current SECaaS1 contract.

Towards a next-generation cybersecurity architecture

Proximus NXT has been a trusted cybersecurity partner of the Belgian Federal Government for several years. Under the ongoing SECaaS1 contract, it has provided managed security services for the last 7 years to 10 key government entities, including the FPS Finance, Justice, Mobility, Economy, and the Ministry of Defense. In total, the contract covers around 70,000 end users.

With the award of the SECaaS2 frame contract, Proximus NXT will continue to support these institutions with an expanded service portfolio and an enhanced and cloud-first security architecture. Proximus NXT leads this transformation as the prime contractor, working in close collaboration with an ecosystem of strategic technology & services partners including Microsoft, Palo Alto, Cisco, F5, 2Grips, and Ceeyu, amongst several others.

The framework will enable existing SECaaS1 Federal Government entities as well as new ones to access cutting-edge security services, fully aligned with evolving regulatory requirements. By procuring managed services from the SECaaS2 contract, organizations will automatically implement certain security controls that support the journey towards NIS2 compliance and align with the CyberFundamentals (CyFun®) framework of the CCB, helping organizations take appropriate and proportionate cybersecurity risk-management measures.

The contract, with FPS Finance as contracting authority, has an initial duration of seven years, with the possibility of (two) one-year extensions, ensuring long-term continuity in protecting critical government operations.

Strengthening the cyber resilience of Belgian society and its crucial institutions

Proximus NXT was awarded the contract following a highly competitive tender process, in which it distinguished itself through its comprehensive portfolio of managed security services and expertise in NIS2 compliance, as well as its Belgium-based and highly certified Security Operations Center and cloud-first approach. The different SECaaS2 managed security services are part of the general security practice portfolio of Proximus NXT, available to other organizations in the public and private sector. This framework can enable customers in the face of an ever-evolving, increasingly regulated and professionalised security threat landscape.

With this milestone, Proximus NXT reinforces its leadership in managed security services, ensuring Belgian Federal Government institutions are equipped with the most advanced cybersecurity capabilities to safeguard their operations in an increasingly complex landscape.

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Helping our customers improve their cybersecurity posture is key, and taking necessary actions to become NIS2 compliant is a must for every Belgian organization. We are proud that Proximus NXT has been awarded the SECaaS2 frame contract, which will support Federal Government organizations in addressing both technological and regulatory challenges. I am incredibly proud of the teams who worked hard to secure this contract.