Today we show our full range of colors

Today, Proximus shows its full range of colours. Literally! The Proximus websites and social media channels, the content on Pickx and even the headquarters will be given a touch of rainbow colors, in honor of the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOT).

It is no secret that Proximus attaches great importance to diversity and inclusion at the workplace. As a company, we believe it is important to let our employees know that they can be whoever they want to be. While the choice to talk about gender and sexuality remains a personal one, we strongly believe that people will truly blossom if they feel they do not have to be afraid that others might judge them.

In order to reinforce this mindset, Proximus recently joined "Open@Work", an organization that aims at connecting LGBTQIA+ people across companies. Started in 2016 as a joint initiative of Accenture & BNP Paribas Fortis, Open@Work aims at building a cross-company network focusing on "Out in the workplace", encourages organizations to create an inclusive work environment for the LGBTQIA+ community and stimulates the exchange of best practices and experiences. Proximus will benefit from the expertise of Open@Work to show its openness to diversity and inclusion towards its employees and towards society, and let everyone know that within Proximus, it is possible to be yourself.

A whole week to celebrate diversity and inclusion

Unfortunately, this spirit of openness is not yet a reality in society at large. Still much too often, non-heterosexual people are exposed to discrimination or even violence, which is why Proximus decided to help raise awareness on the topic, on this International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia.

The entire week, the Proximus flag on the company’s headquarters is replaced with a rainbow flag. Rainbow-colored banners and logos are featured on all of Proximus’ communication channels and specific content to celebrate our differences is highlighted on the Pickx platform (articles on the Pickx channels, selected TVOD content as well as a dedicated swimlane "Pride and Love: be proud").

So, let’s combat prejudice, embrace diversity and inclusion, in society and at the workplace, and show our openness to everyone regardless of their sexual or gender orientation.