What does the "CO2Neutral®" label awarded to Proximus mean?

Since 2016, Proximus has been labelled "CO2 Neutral®" for his own operations, together with our partner climate projects we have neutralised our climate impact. CO2logic, a company specialized in calculating, reducing and offsetting CO₂ emissions, awards this certification to organizations that reduce their climate footprint. The "CO2 Neutral®" label is also validated by the independent third-party certifier Vinçotte, making it an international reference.


The main factors contributing to our carbon neutrality are transport, thanks to greener cars and mobility plans, and heating, thanks to the replacement of fossil fuel heating and the outphasing and optimization of buildings. As for the CO₂ emissions linked to our own activities that we have not yet managed to reduce (38,784 tons in 2019), we offset them through Gold Standard projects, a certification recognized by the WWF, which fight against global warming.

Significant reductions in our CO₂ emissions

Between 2007 and 2015, we reduced our CO₂ emissions by 70%. This decrease is continuing year after year and we have set ourselves ambitious goals for the future. To achieve these, we are reducing our technicians' travel through virtualization and remote installation, maintenance and repair technologies. We will further reduce our total energy consumption by 8% over the period 2019-2021 through, among other things, closing office buildings in Brussels and Antwerp, developing an energy efficient network, using free air to cool our data centers and transitioning to a green car fleet.

Proximus is among the 312 companies in the world to have adopted the methodology of the Science-Based Targets (SBT) initiative for their CO₂ emissions. This methodology enables companies to set CO₂ emission reduction targets aligned with a global trajectory limiting global warming to 2°. We are committed to reducing our own emissions by 30% between 2015 and 2025 and our indirect emissions by 10% between 2014 and 2025, and by 50% between 2014 and 2040.

100% green electricity

Moreover, today, 100% of the electricity we consume comes from renewable sources. We want to go even further, for example by producing our own green energy. Climate change is a global challenge that needs a concerted effort. As a member of the RE100, we are collaborating with other companies committed to 100% renewable energy.

The Tegstove project supported by Proximus in Benin

The Tegstove climate project developed by CO2logic, Ecobenin, Trinity College and supported by Proximus is recognized as a "Rising Star" project by the European Business Awards for the Environment (organized by the European Commission). This climate project, through which we offset the CO₂ emissions that we cannot eliminate, provides rural communities in Benin with an efficient stove that improves health and reduces the use of firewood, thereby helping to prevent deforestation. The Tegstove also uses heat exchange (a thermal electric generator) to produce electricity. It can be used by families who would not normally have access to this type of technology, and who use fossil fuels instead. The project is having a positive impact on various Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the region by improving people's livelihoods while protecting valuable forests.