Proximus is looking for over 250 new technical employees and digital specialists

  • Since the announcement of its investment plan, "Fiber for Belgium", Proximus has accelerated the roll-out of fiber in several major Belgian cities with a view to bringing fiber to more than 85% of businesses and over 50% of households in the coming years.
  • Along with this investment in the fixed network of the future, Proximus wants to further improve the quality of the service offered to customers and to speed up de transformation into a digital company.
  • To help it achieve these goals, Proximus is looking for 250 new technical employees and digital specialists – mainly, splicers for the copper and optical fiber networks, technicians for visits to residential and business customers, and new digital-driven functions like data scientists, security experts, and digital marketers.
  • To ensure it finds the right profiles, Proximus has just launched a large recruitment campaign, which will be visible on social media and soon on all the utility vehicles of Proximus.

The objective: to remain the digital leader in Belgium

As the Belgian leader in the digital services market, Proximus is at the cutting edge of innovation, allowing Belgium to rank among the most connected countries in Europe. To maintain its position as digital leader, Proximus invests almost one billion euro every year to improve the customer experience. This is also why, in December 2016, Proximus launched the "Fiber for Belgium" program – a 3 billion euro investment plan for the next 10 years to accelerate the roll-out of fiber in Belgium.

But, of course, such ambitions cannot be achieved without the right teams. That's why Proximus, one of the country's largest employers with 13,600 employees, is actively looking for 200 new technical employees. As a priority, the search will focus on three types of profile: splicers for the copper and optical-fiber network (to carry out the work related to the extension, repair, and maintenance of the Proximus network); call-out technicians (to connect and restore the Internet, digital TV, and telephone line of residential customers); and ICT technicians (to install and maintain the most high-performance solutions for business customers).

Besides these technical profiles, Proximus is also looking for more than 50 digital specialists (data scientists and digital marketers, as well as IT security experts) in order to remain at the cutting edge of innovation.

Emoticons on all Proximus technical vehicles

The aim of the recruitment campaign that has just been launched is to find, not just technical profiles, but also and above all passionate employees who want to learn and grow, and who care about the quality of service offered to customers. To underline the importance of the customer experience for all Proximus employees, the visuals of the recruitment campaign are based on emoticons, which are today the most popular means of communication used by all of us to express how we feel.

To find these 250 new colleagues, Proximus will use its traditional recruitment networks, but also its social networks (in particular its Facebook page), and its fleet of utility vehicles. In addition, all Proximus employees will be invited to participate in the search for these rare pearls who will strengthen the Proximus teams, particularly through word-of-mouth and their personal networks, which are among the most effective recruitment tools today.

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It is not by accident that we choose to connect through emoticons with our future colleagues who share our passion for our customers. This truly connects us and that’s what we want to stress in this campaign.
Together with our 250 new colleagues, we as Proximus want to continue to lead in the Belgian digital business and public community.  Creating local and future proof jobs where technical talents can further develop themselves and make the difference for our customers is a key ingredient of this journey.