Edpnet signs commercial Fiber-to-the-Home wholesale deal with Proximus
Proximus announces Fiber-to-the-Home wholesale deal based on flexible access services
In line with its announcement late December ’16 to invest 3 billion € in the coming 10 years, Proximus has started the roll-out of Fiber in Belgium. These major investments in faster broadband networks networks are crucial to give companies and citizens access to the most advanced digital services, today and in the years to come. Proximus’ open fiber network also enables other operators to provide their own services based on flexible access solutions that will further enable a competitive broadband market in Belgium.
Today, Proximus is pleased to announce a Fiber-to-the-Home wholesale deal with edpnet, an important independent telecom provider in Belgium, offering a wide product and service range for both the professional and consumer market.
There’s a mutual understanding that the deployment of Fiber will significantly contribute to the Belgian economy as a whole and to the competitiveness of the Belgian communications market in particular. For an independent telecom provider like edpnet, a commercial bitstream offer for Fiber, as proposed by Proximus, is the fastest and most efficient way to bring new products and services to our professional and residential customers, who all see their data traffic & digital services grow exponentially, mainly driven by cloud, video applications and IoT.

We are confident that this partnership will help us further to bring Fiber to as many businesses and citizens in Belgium. The opening of our networks to enable other companies to develop their own innovative services is an integral part of our long term strategy and this agreement will be crucial for the further development of our wholesale business.