Over 80% connectable homes and businesses: Antwerp is the first "Fiber Friendly City" in the country

A Proximus delegation was received at the City Hall this afternoon by Antwerp Mayor Bart De Wever. They presented the first Fiber Friendly City award to the city council, a sign of appreciation for the constructive cooperation in the rollout of the fiber network.

Strong and future-proof digital networks are crucial for innovation and prosperity, serving both citizens and businesses. Various social trends (mass home working, streaming and video calling, the rise of the Internet of Things in which more and more objects are connected to the Internet) cause a significant increase in data consumption year after year, and numerous new applications stand or fall with good connectivity. In other words, investments in gigabit networks benefit the economy and society as a whole.

This is why a few years ago Proximus resolutely turned to fiber, the best and most future-proof fixed network technology. This technology not only enables higher Internet speeds, but is also extremely reliable, secure and more energy-efficient compared to other technologies. By the end of 2023, Proximus reached 1.75 million homes and businesses nationwide which can be connected to the fiber network.

Antwerp leads the way, thanks to close cooperation

In Antwerp, Proximus started deploying the new network in 2017, representing an investment of around 200 million euros. Today, over 80% of all homes and businesses in Antwerp and its districts can be connected to fiber, making the city an absolute forerunner. In total, more than 1,000 km of fiber cables have already been laid.

Such an infrastructure project requires very close cooperation with the city council and urban public services, in order to obtain permits, plan works on public domain efficiently or answer questions and concerns from citizens. With the award as the first Fiber Friendly City, Proximus wants to thank the city for its constructive cooperation. Other pioneering cities will follow in the coming months.

In addition to the award, Proximus is bringing another gift to Antwerp. Street artist JAUNE will brighten several public buildings in the city with his works in the coming weeks. These will highlight the technicians and splicers, the silent forces that roll out the network in the streets on a daily basis. A first impression of JAUNE's work: