Proximus is satisfied that BCA procedures come to an end, as the company resells edpnet’s activities to Citymesh

Proximus has taken note of the decision of the Belgian Competition Authority to terminate the ongoing procedure related to the acquisition of edpnet. The decision follows an agreement between Proximus and Citymesh to resell the activities of edpnet to the latter. Proximus is satisfied with the decision of the BCA to close the ongoing complex procedures, as it allows to put an end to the uncertainty around edpnet’s future and guarantee long-term continuity for its customers.

Today’s decision also puts an end to the temporary measures imposed by the BCA following Proximus’ announcement in March 2023 of the acquisition of edpnet, and leads to the closing of the ongoing investigation. The appeal filed by Citymesh against the assignment of edpnet to Proximus, in the context of the ongoing judicial reorganization, will also come to an end.

Throughout the procedure, Proximus has cooperated with the authorities and has also sought, subject to all its rights, to find a solution that is in the best interest of edpnet, while ensuring continuity of service for its customer base (around 46,000 fixed internet and 13,500 mobile customers).

Proximus will not disclose any further details of the transaction.