Transparency declaration on Proximus shareholding

In accordance with the article 14 of the Law of 2 May 2007, Proximus publishes the following shareholding notifications it received from BlackRock Inc regarding participations held by different entities of the BlackRock Group.

  Voting rights Total incl. equivalent financial instruments
crossed on
Notifier Reason
# of voting rights
after the
notified transaction
% of voting rights
in total of 338,025,135
voting rights
# of voting rights
after the
notified transaction
% of voting rights
in total of 338,025,135
voting rights
10/10/2022 11/10/2022 Blackrock Inc. < 5% 16,525,862 4.89 19,381,651 5.73

The entire content of the notifications is available on Investors > Transparency declarations.