Be smarter than a hacker!

Have you recently received a suspicious message: an e-mail with an overly attractive offer or a text message that seemed to come from your bank? You are not alone. We are often confronted with phishing messages. Fortunately, we outsmart the cybercriminals many times, but their messages can be so misleading that many people fall for them.

The Cyber Security Coalition, the Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium and Febelfin (the federation of Belgian banks) are therefore launching a new cyber security awareness campaign, dedicated to Phishing. As co-founder and active member of the Cyber Security Coalition, Proximus fully supports this campaign.

Why phishing?

Phishing remains a major problem for individual internet users, companies, organizations and the governments alike. So always be on your guard when you receive a suspicious message and NEVER give out passwords, bank card codes or other personal data via an e-mail, telephone call, text messages or social media.

What to do if you receive a suspicious message?

You can send a suspicious e-mail to Safeonweb via Thanks to your report, the Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium (CCB) will block the suspicious links in collaboration with Proximus. This way you help others not to fall into the trap.

Furthermore, the CCB collects information on common suspicious messages and shares it through their new Safeonweb app. So you stay informed when suspicious messages are circulating.

The app also warns you about cyber threats and new forms of online scams. You can download the Safeonweb app from your official app store (App Store and Google Play Store).

Did you know that you can send suspicious text messages on your smartphone for free to Proximus CSIRT (Cyber Security Incident Response Team) via the short number 8444? They will analyze the SMS and block the link.

Together we can outsmart cybercriminals!

Download the Safeonweb app for iOS

Download the Safeonweb app for Android