Internet Safe and Fun Day 2020

On Wednesday 4 march 2020, volunteers from Proximus, ING, Xylos and Microsoft will visit schools to sensitize children on the safe and responsible use of Internet.

100,000 sensitized pupils

On Wednesday 4 march, 70 employee-volunteers from Proximus, trained by Child Focus, visited almost 140 classes of primary schools in Belgium to sensitize more than 3,500 pupils about the advantages but also the risks of the Internet, by making them reflect on their own online behavior during interactive lessons in which they were asked specific questions.

This operation, organized twice a year since 2010, has already allowed us to sensitize more than 100,000 pupils of the 5th and 6th grades.

Also for teachers

Although the main objective is to sensitize children, teachers also receive a useful tool which supports them when it comes to Internet education. In fact, the volunteers will leave them Child Focus's catalog of Internet prevention material for young people, so that they can look at certain aspects more closely.