Be-Mobile launches electronic ticket for De Lijn

As from 19 September, people traveling with De Lijn will be able to pay for their journey with Be-Mobile's 4411 app.   With the m-ticket, an electronic ticket, Be-Mobile wants to make cash-free purchases of public transport tickets easier. An m-ticket costs 1.80 euro and is a first for the Belgian public transport sector.

"Paying for different means of transport without cash"

With this app we make it easier for people to pay for their journey with De Lijn, since they don't need to have cash on them.  This way we enable people to pay for different means of transport without any worries. Besides bus or tram journeys, you can also pay for a parking space and for charging an electric car. In the long run we also want to offer other means of transport. For example, the app will also become an attractive proposition for companies wanting to offer their employees a mobility budget instead of a company car.

EUR 1.20 cheaper than buying a ticket from the driver

If you want to buy an m-ticket you must first install the free 4411 app. Once you have done that you can order an m-ticket with just a few taps on your smartphone screen. It is not necessary to enter an order code. An m-ticket allows you to transfer to another bus or tram as many times as you want during a 60-minute period. The m-ticket costs 1.80 euro, which is 1.20 euro cheaper than a ticket from the driver.

Because Be-Mobile manages the app, people can also use it for other m-tickets, such as for parking. The 4411 app of Be-Mobile can be downloaded from Google Play store, the apps for iOS and Windows will soon follow.

Colors against fare dodgers

The 4411 m-ticket is protected against fraud in various ways. Since the m-ticket's colors change continuously during its validity period, it is impossible to use a screenshot as a ticket.

Payment via your telecom bill, by credit card or bank transfer

You are billed for your purchased m-tickets afterwards. Users of the 4411 app can pay via their telecom bill, by credit card or bank transfer. 

One million SMS and parking tickets per month

With the m-ticket, Be-Mobile is following on from the success of the SMS ticket of De Lijn and SMS parking. In 2007, Proximus (now the main shareholder of Be-Mobile) was the first operator through which users of De Lijn could purchase an SMS ticket. Since then, 4411 customers have ordered more than 16 million SMS tickets.

4411 is now a brand of the Smart Mobility firm Be-Mobile, specialized in Mobility-as-a-Service applications.  With Mobility as a Service, the user does not invest in a means of transport, but rather buys a tailor-made mobility solution to reach his destination.

The success of De Lijn's SMS ticket is due to its ease of use and lower price compared with tickets purchased from the driver.  Since the introduction of the SMS ticket, sales of individual tickets sold by bus drivers has more than halved. This has a positive impact on punctuality.