A digital society with respect for the planet

Contributing to the green transition

Proximus has a dual role to play in the fight against climate change. We reduce greenhouse gas emissions and move towards a circular economy, while also developing technology and solutions to empower consumers, businesses and organizations to limit their own footprint.

Our net-zero targets

In 2022, the SBTi (Science Based Targets initiative) validated our near-term and long-term greenhouse gas emission reduction targets. Concretely, we have committed to achieving net zero GHG emissions across our entire value chain by 2040, from a 2020 base year, ten years ahead of the 2050 ambitions pursued by Belgium. This target means an effective reduction of at least 90% of all our emissions (direct and indirect), and the use of carbon removal technology for the remaining emissions (less than 10%).

We defined two stages in the achievement of our objectives:

Near-term targets:

  • Reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 95% by 2030 (from a 2020 base year).
  • Continue to source 100% renewable electricity annually.
  • Reduce absolute scope 3 GHG emissions by 60% by 2030 (from a 2020 base year).

Long-term targets:

  • Maintain a minimum of 95% absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emission reductions from 2030 through 2040 (from a 2020 base year).
  • Reduce absolute scope 3 GHG emissions by 90% by 2040 (from a 2020 base year). Reaching our net-zero target means we need to work on all three scopes. However, for a telco and ICT operator like Proximus, most of the work lies in reducing scope 3 emissions
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We commit to reach net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across our entire value chain by 2040 and we aim to play a leading role in Belgium’s green transition.

Be sustainable in everything we do

We are committing to reach net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across our entire value chain by 2040, a truly circular company by 2030, and enabling our customers to reduce their impact on the environment.

The road to net-zero emission and true circularity

Proximus commits to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions across its whole value chain by 2040 and to be a truly circular company by 2030.

Discover more about our environmental strategy

Enabling the transition to a greener society

The digitalization of society has the potential to enable both our customers and Belgium to reduce their CO₂ emissions and generate energy savings.

Discover more about the potential of digital society towards the planet

Our green certifications and alliances

As a company our ambitions are bold. We rely on alliances to have greater impact and let certifications guide us towards further improvements.

Discover our alliances & certifications