Mr. Guillaume Boutin has been Chief Executive Officer since 1st December 2019 and presides over the Executive Committee of Proximus. He is Chairman of the Board of Directors of BICS and Telesign, as well as member of the Proximus Art Board. Since 23 February 2024, he is also CEO of BICS ad interim.
Previously, Mr. Boutin joined the Proximus Executive Committee as Chief Consumer Market Officer in August 2017. Mr. Boutin started his career joining a web start-up.
He then joined SFR where he successively held various positions in strategy, finance and marketing until he joined Canal+ Group in 2015 as Chief Marketing Officer.
He holds a “baccalauréat scientifique”, followed by a degree in Telecommunications Engineering (Telecom Sud Paris “Programme Grande Ecole”, 1997) and a degree from HEC Paris, “Programme Grande Ecole”, obtained in 1999